Today, more than ever, building a great team of experts is paramount to successfully obtaining a fair settlement. The old-school mentality of going it alone is no longer an adequate course of action due to the fast-paced nature and evolution of how personal injury cases are evaluated by insurance companies.
Attorneys working today must understand that expanding their reach and collaborating with other professionals will not only help them avoid roadblocks – but also streamline their case.
Here are some Do’s and Dont’s for building capacity through collaboration with forensic experts while building a solid case:
DO create a stellar team made up of legal, medical, and rehabilitative experts. This helps to provide a well-rounded and solid approach when dealing with the complex injuries that your firm works with
DO develop this “A-team” of experts early in the legal process and work together to develop a clear timeline of needs and deliverables so that an informative and professional damages package can be submitted to the insurance company on time.
DON’T wait until the last minute or when disclosures are due to get your “A-team” working. By waiting, crucial medical/rehabilitative recommendations may not be assessed due to a collapsed timeline as your experts scramble to provide correct essential information pertaining to your client.
And lastly, DO ask questions! Experts, like us, are here to help. If you have a client whose case isn’t straightforward or you’re needing to provide more objective evidence of injury, please don’t hesitate to call.
If you’re interested in creating an “A-Team,” we are here to provide the medical and rehabilitative guidance that will help you steer your team and case to success
At Injury Reporting Consultants, we specialize in providing expert reports such as functional capacity evaluations, vocational and earning capacity evaluations, medical cost projections, and life care plans that will support your legal documents in order to help obtain a swift and fair settlement.
Visit IRC on Youtube for educational videos on this process!