Demonstratives are a powerful tool for establishing an understandable legal case.  A demonstrative helps to showcase and illustrate forms of evidence such as witness testimony, photographs, and raw data in a way that will help the judge or jury understand it. 

These demonstrative exhibits can be portrayed through various forms including maps, charts, tables, laminated boards, high-resolution 3D animations, or even short movies. Created by a team of litigation strategists, medical experts, and world-class animators and illustrators, our professionals work on cases nationally. These visual illustrations can be one of the keys to a successful outcome in mediation or litigation.

In addition to the construction of your demonstrative, you can choose to have your medical illustration go through our focus group testing process to make sure that your jury will understand the medical details of your case.

Our focus groups will include a diverse group of participants who will provide insight from all walks of life, political belief spectrums, and socio-economic spectrums. This real-time, real-world feedback will ensure that no matter who is on your jury, you will know that your demonstratives will have the impact that you intend.

Let our focus groups eliminate the risk of having your jury be the first “audience” that sees your demonstrative exhibits, animations, or system-failure timelines.

Our team of expert moderators is highly skilled and will work with you throughout the focus group process. By incorporating the feedback from the focus group(s), we finalize the details of what a potential jury is looking for to explain the details of your case.

Watch Dr. Poppie’s educational videos on his YouTube channel!

Independent Medical Examinations