The undersigned hereby retains the services of Dr. Brad Poppie, a vocational rehabilitation, disability, and life care planning consultant, and Injury Reporting Consultants, in connection with a legal matter. The undersigned agrees to the conditions outlined in this retainer agreement:

  1. The initial retainer in legal matters is $2,500.
  2. The retainer is non-refundable, as once Dr. Brad Poppie is retained in a matter, he is conflicted from retention by other parties that may be involved in the matter. Accordingly, retention in and of itself has value.
  3. Dr. Brad Poppie will provide fee estimates are requested,but estimates are not to be considered binding.

    ** While it is difficult to estimate charges for this particular case until more information is secured, our charges for non-catastrophic cases typically range from $4,500 – $6,000 depending on the amount of case development, analysis, and consultation preparation. Participation in depositions or trials are not included in this estimate of charges.**

  4. Dr. Brad Poppie shall not be disclosed as an expert unless the retainer agreement has been executed and fully funded. Further, no work will commence until the agreement has been executed and funded. There is a flat fee of $500 for using the name or Dr. Brad Poppie for expert listing purposes only. If professional work progresses, the listing fee will be waived and charges applied against the initial retainer per the fee schedule outlined in section 5 of this agreement.

  5. Services and expenses will be charged against the initial retainer as follows:
  • Initial Consultation with Referral Source (No report prepared)     NO CHARGE
  • Professional Services (Except deposition testimony)                       $250 per hour
  • Trial Appearance Fee                                                                              $750

**Trial appearances on available dates must be received in writing and discussed in advance.**

  • Trial Testimony (Not to exceed 8 hours per day)                               $250
  • Deposition Testimony (1 Hour minimum)                                           $500
  • Mileage                                                                                                       IRS Rate
  • Expenses                                                                                                    As incurred
  • Copies                                                                                                         $1 per page (first 25) $.25 per page thereafter

6. If the initial retainer is exhausted,the undersigned acknowledges that charges for services will continue to accumulate per the schedule detailed in section 5 of this agreement. Accumulated charges and expenses will be invoiced to the retaining party approximately monthly thereafter.

7. If significant time lapses occur between the initial evaluation and/or research and trial and/or deposition, additional updates may be required in the matter. Additional updates may also be required when the matter is rescheduled for trial or deposition. These updates may add additional costs to the matter that are beyond the control of Dr. Brad Poppie.

8. Prior to providing deposition and/or trial testimony, all outstanding bills payable to Injury Reporting Consultants must be satisfied by the retaining party.

9. The retaining party is solely and completely responsible for payment of all billings generated by Dr. Brad Poppie and/or Injury Reporting Consultants under the terms of this agreement, without regard to (a) the professional conclusions reached, (b) legal outcomes resulting, and (c) benefit any other parties might have realized. In no case will Dr. Brad Poppie wait for a matter to resolve before expecting payment for services. Payments are due 30 days from the invoice date.

10. Notice of settlement of a claim must be received in writing. Once notice is received, a final settlement statement of charges will be prepared. Should the retaining party fail to notify Dr. Brad Poppie in writing that a settlement has been reached, work shall continue and be charged against the account balance. The retaining party agrees to pay Injury Reporting Consultants full for services provided due to failure to notify that a settlement had been reached.

11. Returned checks will be assessed a $300 returned check fee and payment is to be made immediately upon demand. Failure to do so will result in the account being considered unpaid and delinquent.

12. An invoice that remains unpaid for 60 days shall result in the account being considered delinquent and may result in suspension of services and/or Dr. Brad Poppie possibly withdrawing from the matter as an expert.

13. Invoices remaining unpaid for 60 days after the invoice dates will be considered delinquent and are subject to an 18% annualized interest charge from the date of invoice. In the event the retaining party defaults on payment of any amount payable under this agreement, Dr. Brad Poppie shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and court costs (including any reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs incurred on appeal). The retaining party understands that Denver, CO shall be the proper and appropriate venue for legal course.

  1. The party named below agrees to the conditions of this retainer agreement.




The undersigned hereby retains the services of Dr. Brad Poppie, a vocational rehabilitation, disability, and life care planning consultant, and Injury Reporting Consultants, in connection with a legal matter. The undersigned agrees to the conditions outlined in this retainer agreement:

  1. The initial retainer in legal matters is $2,500.
  2. The retainer is non-refundable, as once Dr. Brad Poppie is retained in a matter, he is conflicted from retention by other parties that may be involved in the matter. Accordingly, retention in and of itself has value.
  3. Dr. Brad Poppie will provide fee estimates as requested,but estimates are not to be considered binding.

    ** While it is difficult to estimate charges for a particular case until more information is secured, our charges for non-catastrophic cases typically range from $4,500 – $6,000 depending on the amount of case development, analysis, and consultation preparation. Participation in depositions or trials are not included in this estimate of charges.**

  4. Dr. Brad Poppie shall not be disclosed as an expert unless the retainer agreement has been executed and fully funded. Further, no work will commence until the agreement has been executed and funded. There is a flat fee of $500 for using the name or Dr. Brad Poppie for expert listing purposes only. If professional work progresses, the listing fee will be waived and charges applied against the initial retainer per the fee schedule outlined in section 5 of this agreement.

  5. Services and expenses will be charged against the initial retainer as follows:
  • Initial Consultation with Referral Source (No report prepared)     NO CHARGE
  • Professional Services (Except deposition testimony)                       $350 per hour

**Trial appearances on available dates must be received in writing and discussed in advance.**

  • Trial Testimony (Not to exceed 8 hours per day)                               $550 per hour Court appearances will be billed at the rate of $500.00 per hour, half-day (5 hr.) minimum.  This includes but is not limited to time in testimony, time for any other services performed to include preparation time, any pre-deposition attorney conference(s) verbally or in person, any review of additional documents pertinent to this case, research, and portal-to-portal travel time.  All fees are due up front and at the time of service.  If an excess invoice is due after the minimum hours specified above, a final bill will be issued after trial is completed. 
  • Deposition                                                       $400 per hourDepositions for auto claims and personal injury claims will be billed at $400.00 per hour, three hour (3 hr.) minimum.  This includes but is not limited to time in deposition, time for any other services performed to include preparation time, any pre-deposition attorney conference(s) verbally or in person, any review of additional documents pertinent to this case, research, and portal-to-portal travel time.   All fees are due up front and at the time of service.  
  • Mileage                                                                                                       IRS Rate
  • Expenses                                                                                                    As incurred
  • Copies                                                                                                         $1 per page (first 25) $.25 per page thereafter
  1. If the initial retainer is exhausted,the undersigned acknowledges that charges for services will continue to accumulate per the schedule detailed in section 5 of this agreement. Accumulated charges and expenses will be invoiced to the retaining party approximately monthly thereafter.
  2. If significant time lapses occur between the initial evaluation and/or research and trial and/or deposition, additional updates may be required in the matter. Additional updates may also be required when the matter is rescheduled for trial or deposition. These updates may add additional costs to the matter that are beyond the control of Dr. Brad Poppie.
  3. Prior to providing deposition and/or trial testimony, all outstanding bills payable to Injury Reporting Consultants must be satisfied by the retaining party.
  4. The retaining party is solely and completely responsible for payment of all billings generated by Dr. Brad Poppie and/or Injury Reporting Consultants under the terms of this agreement, without regard to (a) the professional conclusions reached, (b) legal outcomes resulting, and (c) benefit any other parties might have realized. In no case will Dr. Brad Poppie wait for a matter to resolve before expecting payment for services. Payments are due within 30 days from the invoice date.
  5. Notice of settlement of a claim must be received in writing. Once notice is received, a final settlement statement of charges will be prepared. Should the retaining party fail to notify Dr. Brad Poppie in writing that a settlement has been reached, work shall continue and be charged against the account balance. The retaining party agrees to pay Injury Reporting Consultants full for services provided due to failure to notify that a settlement had been reached.
  6. Returned checks will be assessed a $300 returned check fee and payment is to be made immediately upon demand. Failure to do so will result in the account being considered unpaid and delinquent.
  7. An invoice that remains unpaid for 60 days shall result in the account being considered delinquent and may result in suspension of services and/or Dr. Brad Poppie possibly withdrawing from the matter as an expert.
  8. Invoices remaining unpaid for 30 days after the invoice dates will be considered delinquent and are subject to a 18% monthly interest charge from the date of invoice. In the event the retaining party defaults on payment of any amount payable under this agreement, Dr. Brad Poppie shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and court costs (including any reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs incurred on appeal). The retaining party understands that Denver, CO shall be the proper and appropriate venue for legal course.


  1. The party named below agrees to the conditions of this retainer agreement.

Retainer Agreement

12 + 8 =

Please return this agreement to:

Injury Reporting Consultants
1745 Wazee St. Unit 4H
Denver, CO 80202




Watch Dr. Poppie’s educational videos on his YouTube channel!