If you’re in the personal injury law world, you’re probably well aware of the many complexities a personal injury case can present. When preparing these cases for an insurance company to evaluate, it’s common to be thrown a curveball or two along the way. I often hear from a lot of attorneys spending late nights trying to work through these difficulties and navigate the intricacies of their cases. Here are a few common potential case killers.

  1. Pre-existing conditions: When clients have pre-existing condition(s), you can generally expect that they’ll have an impact on how an insurance company views the case. Insurance companies will want to analyze whether the client’s current state, impairments, and disabilities are in fact caused by the collision versus something that happened in the past.
  2. Gaps in treatment: It’s very common for clients to stray from a treating practitioner’s treatment plan, recommended frequency or treatment duration. This could be the result of one of life’s many complexities, but the insurance company views this as evidence that the client is not hurt due to their lack of compliance.
  3. Prior felonies / incarceration: From time to time this sensitive topic arises within a handful of cases. Many times, embarrassed clients leave past legal disputes out of an attorney’s initial intake form. When this happens, it can be surprising to the plaintiff attorney when opposing counsel brings this to their attention late in the litigation process.

These are only a few of many challenges that can complicate a personal injury case.

I’ve often been asked to produce an expert report and have discovered these issues as well as many others including poor documentation, inadequate communication, case management issues; etc.

When things go awry during the discovery process, the question for an attorney becomes, “What tools do I have accessible to help navigate these roadblocks?” The answer is consulting with the experts to help you along the way.

IRC is here to help you fully understand your case and put your mind at ease knowing that your damages reports are valid and objectively reliable in order to help settle your case in a timely manner.

As a treating doctor specializing in personal injury for over 20 years, I understand the pain-points your case can face and am here to help take the burden off of your shoulders, build out your damages reports and help you fully understand the complexities of your case.

As injury experts, you can trust us to take the wheel and help make your next personal injury case a smooth one.

At Injury Reporting Consultants, we specialize in providing expert reports such as functional capacity evaluations, vocational and earning capacity evaluations, medical cost projections, and life care plans that will support your legal documents in order to help obtain a swift and fair settlement.

Dr. Brad Poppie has over 20 years of personal injury experience not only as a treating doctor but as an expert witness in trial.  If you have a client that you would like to discuss their need for an expert report, please contact me directly at 720-982-2000 or email me at: brad@injuryreportingconsultants.com



Dr. Brad Poppie, DPT, CLCP, CFCE, CSCS  
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Certified Life Care Planner
Medical Cost Projection Specialist 
Certified Functional Capacity Evaluator
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

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